Education News, 2015
December 18, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: Pro-Life Language in New Federal Education Law
December 17, 2015 - Government School Choral Concert in Minnesota to Feature Praise to Allah
December 16, 2015 - Shenandoah Valley Government School Requires Students to Write Muslim Statement of Faith
December 11, 2015 - Senate Passes Education Bill
December 9, 2015 - The Federal Budget Deadline (this Friday!) and It's Impact on Education Spending
December 4, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: House of Representatives Passes ESEA with Bipartisan Support
November 30, 2015 - America's Colleges Are Overrun with Emotionally Fragile Students!
November 23, 2015 - Common Core May Harm Introverts
November 21, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: ESEA Is Now in Conference
November 19, 2015 - Students Who Spent 19 Hours on Common Core Testing
November 18, 2015 - Terrorist Threats Cause Schools to Cancel DC Field Trips
November 16, 2015 - Will New ESEA Shift Power for Ed Policy from Feds to States?
November 16, 2015 - Using Minecraft to Teach Computer Programming
November 14, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: AACS Expresses Concerns about In-Home Federal Involvement in Children's Health
November 11, 2015 - The Ineffectiveness of RTI
November 7, 2015 - Daycare Workers Fired - Won't Refer to a Girl as a Boy
November 6, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: Battles Over Common Core Continue
October 30, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: Executive Branch Overreach into Higher Ed Accreditation
October 28, 2015 - Study Suggests That Universal Pre-K Might Actually Harm Some Children
October 28, 2015 - No More Final Exams
October 27, 2015 - Overdiagnosis of Autism
October 26, 2015 - Obama Administration Culpable in Excessive Testing of Students in Urban Schools
October 26, 2015 - Special Ed Teacher Quits Job at Government School: "The Disorder Is in the System"
October 22, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: House of Representatives Reauthorizes DC Opportunity Scholarship Program
October 21, 2015 - The Pros and Cons of Sharing Student Data
October 20, 2015 - USED Guides Government Schools in Educating Illegal Immigrants
October 17, 2015 - NEA Opposed to McDonald's "Burgers, Fries, and Soda"
October 16, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: Disagreements Over Early Education and Common Core
October 15, 2015 - "Working for Free College"
October 13, 2015 - Increasing Common Core "Success" by Lowering Proficiency Standards
October 9, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: AACS Submits Public Comment on Religious Liberty
October 2, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: School Choice and Presidential Politics
September 28, 2015 - Uptight Government Educators Ban "Tag" on the Playground
September 26, 2015 - USED Extends NCLB Waivers, Not to States, but to Districts
September 25, 2015 - AACS Washtington Flyer: USED Hosts Private School Conference
September 23, 2015 - Common Core Is "Just Not Coming to Fruition"
September 11, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: Delegates Look Forward to AACS National Legislative Conference
September 10, 2015 - Should Teens' School Day Start at 10:00 a.m.?
September 8, 2015 - Time Running Short on Funding for U. S. Education Department
September 4, 2015 - Politics, Climate Change, and Deciding What Government School Students Must Be Taught
September 4, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: Common Core Fails to Establish a Common Benchmark
September 3, 2015 - Congressman John Kline Will Not Seek Re-election; House Ed Committee Will Need a New Chairman
September 1, 2015 - Including Buddhism in the Government School Curriculum
August 31, 2015 - Common Core Assessment "Has Largely Unraveled"
August 28, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: Using NCLB Waivers to Advance a Liberal Education Agenda
August 21, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: Support for School Choice Grows
August 17, 2015 - Common Core, a Student Data Base, and Tracking Our Children from Birth
August 14, 2015 - Washington State Supreme Court Fines Legislature for Not Spending Enough on Education
August 14, 2015 - Too Much Homework for Small Children
August 14, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: Common Core and Republican Presidential Politics
August 13, 2015 - High Opt Out, Low Proficiency Rates for New York's Common Core Tests
August 7, 2015 - AACS Washington Flyer: New Standards for AP History
August 6, 2015 - Why Parents Don't Like Common Core
August 5, 2015 - Teacher Shortages in Government Schools
August 3, 2015 - Gallup: More Americans Dissatisfied with Public Education than Satisfied
August 1, 2015 - AACS Participates in Forum on How Marriage Redefinition Affects Christian Schools
July 28, 2015 - Body Cameras on School Principals
July 25, 2015 - House and Senate Pass ESEA, Trying to Reconcile Differences
July 21, 2015 - Average Annual USA College Spending Tops $24K!
July 17, 2015 - Green Schools in DC: A Waste of Money?
July 17, 2015 - Senate Votes to Reauthorize ESEA
July 16, 2015 - Obama Succeeds at Expanding Federal Role in Education Despite Lack of Constitutional Authority
July 14, 2015 - Lack of Good Teachers in Washington State's Government Schools
July 10, 2015 - ESEA Debate - AACS Champions Private School Autonomy, Religious Liberty; Opposes Federal Control of Preschools
July 10, 2015 - After 8 Years of Politically Motivated Inactivity, House Moves Forward with Elementary and Secondary Education Act
July 8, 2015 - Technology: Learning Tool or Distraction?
June 11, 2015 - College Board, Khan Academy to Partner
June 9, 2015 - Nevada Passes Education Savings Account Legislation
June 7 2015 - Secretary of Education Suggests Public Boarding Schools
June 2, 2015 - Human Scorers and Common Core Tests: Accurate? Objective?
May 28, 2015 - Do Internet Searches Result in Real Learning?
May 20, 2015 - Common Core Testing and Open-Ended Questions - Better Than Multiple Choice?
May 19, 2015 - Teacher Union Lawsuit Against Florida School Choice Dismissed
May 14, 2015 - Study: Let Students Fidget!
May 13, 2015 - Hot Weather and Math Scores
May 12, 2015 - Does Banning Cell Phones in School Improve Student Achievement?
May 4, 2015 - Flipped Instruction, Pros and Cons from Experience
April 29, 2015 - Don't Doubt That Common Core Equals Federal Control!
April 27, 2015 - Allowing Students to Stand at Their Desks
February 28, 2015 - Feds Seeking More Control Over Pre-K
February 26, 2015 - Obama Threatens to Veto Education Bill
February 6, 2015 - Longer School Day Part of Government Ed "Sweet Spot"
January 23, 2015 - To Improve Their Grades, Get Children Playing Chess!
January 22, 2015 - Christian School Denies Enrollment to Children of Homosexual "Parents"
January 21, 2015 - Congress to Take Up Future of NCLB
January 20, 2015 - For POTUS, Federal Pre-K Is Big Priority in SOTU
January 16, 2015 - Google App: Submit Homework from Your Phone
January 15, 2015 - Cupcakes Banned in Government Schools
January 9, 2015 - Is Common Core Too Much Too Soon?
January 8, 2015 - Virginia Schools #12 out of 50, According to Education Week
January 5, 2015 - Will Congress Overhaul NCLB in 2015?
January 3, 2015 - 50% of America's Teachers Leave the Classroom by Year 5
January 2, 2015 - Technology Fuels Growth in Private Education Industry